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[- Crisis of the Mind

Author: Robert Brown

Topic: Many people have lost their ability to think effectively
Keywords: drugs, prescription, alzheimers, cognitive, impairment, memory loss

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Crisis of the Mind
Who is Watching Out For Your Health?
The Challenge

Memory and the ability to think effectively can be lost, and the individual that has lost them may not know that they are gone.

At this time in your life, you are the way you are, mentally and physically, because of your accumulated life experiences and your genetic make-up. Every drug, chemical, thought, environmental experience, what you have eaten, every minute of exercise, and everything that has been done to your body, etc., have made you the way you are now.

Is it possible to be driving, working or cooking dinner and without warning, lose your memory and not be able to think effectively?

I received a request from a hospital to evaluate one of their patients for possible referral to our traumatic brain injury rehabilitation program. The police had arrested this patient for driving under the influence and had brought her to the hospital emergency room because of her obvious serious medical condition. Her condition was stabilized, she was tested for drug and alcohol use and she was chemical free. She was definitely not under the influence. The hospital could not find a cause for her condition.
While driving to work, she had lost most of her memory, her ability for complex thoughts and her ability to drive. She did not recognize her mother; she had become instantly senile (not officially diagnosed), even though she was only 24 years old. Her condition eventually improved and she went home with her mother.
I followed-up after about a month, with a call to her mother and found that she was “getting better,” she still could not live on her own or return to work.

Is it possible to demonstrate senile behaviors at 24 years old?

I evaluated another individual who had demonstrated senile behaviors at work. Then, one of my employees suffered the same “affliction.” I followed his progression from being a good employee, to becoming senile ( again, not medically diagnosed with senility), through recovery. I interviewed him extensively after he was released from the hospital. He seemed physically well; however, he was emotional, did not remember me, could not focus on a task for more than one minute and was not able to return to work.
I discussed these incidences of quickly acquired senility symptoms with a friend who was working in an emergency room, and found that he was aware of others that had lost cognitive functioning through unknown causes as well. I heard of more cases but didn’t have first hand contact or experience with them. I attempted to find out more about this strange occurrence but to my surprise found that there wasn’t an interest or investigation of this within the medical community.
I am a behavior specialist, teacher, alternative therapies specialist and rehabilitation services coordinator for people with traumatic brain injuries. I have more than 25 total years experience working with addicts, mild cognitive impairment, adjudicated youths, developmentally disabled individuals, and Alzheimer’s, among other populations. This was my first experience with individuals that had suffered a seemingly non-diagnosable cause for their cognitive impairment.

These unfortunate individuals were affected by something from their environment and/or something that they put into their bodies. Can this happen to you?

Since my experiences with “instant senility,” I have been researching and becoming more knowledgeable of cognitive impairment causes. I failed to find more information on these strange cognitive depleting phenomena. Our mental and physical health is directly and indirectly effected by the environment and what we take into our bodies There is a large part of our population that suffers from some form of cognitive or thought process impairment and this is growing rapidly every day. We should be talking openly and frequently to determine possible solutions. One reason that more is not known and the discussion is not more open, is that mainstream/conventional medicine and health care are contributing factors in the worsening of this problem. The use of drugs and chemicals for the perception of life improvement is encouraged. If you are not happy or at least contented, take a drug. Just watch, read and listen to commercial advertisements.

Are about 100 million people in the U.S. cognitively impaired or at risk of being impaired?

Statistics and study results support this possibility. Managing this real and growing trend and assisting the unfortunate individuals affected will prove to be a challenge. We are not doing enough to prevent the numbers of this dysfunctional population from growing even larger. We need to start dealing with and managing this challenge using all available resources and treatment modalities. Main stream health care/medical practice, is narrow in its approach, ignores effective therapies and tends not be forthcoming and honest about its activities.
Effective, proactive thinking is important. We continue to use the basic ancient survival fear-based survival techniques of reaction and fight or flight. By now in our evolution, we should be able to learn from history, what has worked and what does not. The social survival technique of drugging ourselves to make our lives seem better is becoming more popular and is aggressively encouraged. A significant part of our population is affected by either an acquired, induced or sought after decrease of complex thought process ability.

Can functional cognitive abilities be maintained, restored and improved through the use of alternative therapies?

The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is increasing, currently there are approximately five million diagnosed cases and Mild Cognitive Impairment effects between 8 and 12 million (about 50% of these unfortunate people will develop Alzheimer’s). About 8% of all eighth graders in the U.S. have used or are using inhalant chemicals. The average age of an inhalant abuser is over 16 years and an estimated 18 million individuals use/abuse inhalant chemicals, with regularity. These afore mentioned groups of people are experiencing diminished abilities in: thought, reasoning, response time, learning, memory, creativity and more? It is a fact that the unfortunate individuals that have diagnosed Alzheimer’s and mild cognitive impairment suffer decreased mental capabilities. The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released the results of studies that directly link inhalant abuse to a decreased mean IQ score of 20%. These three groups of people are cognitively impaired now and there are about 32 million of them.

Alzheimer’s disease is not new, Dr. Alzheimer first diagnosed it in 1906 and since that time, mainstream medicine has advanced little in its treatment. Are there effective alternative therapies for Alzheimer’s disease and its precursor, Mild Cognitive Impairment?

Including strokes and cardiovascular anoxic incidents, there are about 2.25 million traumatic brain injuries in the U.S. every year. Many of the individuals that are included in this unfortunate group survive and suffer a long-term disability. Diminished cognitive ability is experienced by a significant percentage of traumatic brain injury survivors. The accumulative numbers get very large in 5, 10 or 20 years and as these individuals age their symptoms become more dominant, they require more care and are included in the growing number of cognitively impaired.

Are life style, personal choices and addiction major contributors to the numbers of people suffering from decreased cognitive abilities?

NIDA publishes statistics of chemical/drug abuse and the results of scientific studies that prove their negative effects on brain and body chemistry utilization and biosynthesis. Prescribed medications can share the same basic chemistry make-up as non-prescription (illegal) drugs that produce similar effects. The following is a listing of some popular drugs and an approximate number of current users/abusers: cocaine, 17 million; crack, six million; heroin, three million; PCP (similar to an active ingredient in many cough and cold medications), six million; non medical use of prescription pain relievers, 22 million; ecstasy, eight million; inhalant chemicals, 18 million; non-medical use of prescription tranquilizers, 13 million; non-medical use of stimulants, 16 million; methamphetamine, nine million; non-medical use of sedatives, seven million. Many of the individuals included in these studies used more than one of the listed drugs. What percentage, of these millions of unfortunate individuals is cognitively impaired (10%, 25%, 50%)?
In 2001 about 44 million individuals were considered heavy alcohol users or binge drinkers. The negative effects of alcohol abuse on the brain and the resulting decrease of intelligence and cognitive abilities are well documented. In this short summary we have not touched upon the “possible” cognitive impairment resulting from prescription drugs and chemicals used “properly.”
In 2001 the estimated number of individuals that received mental health support and/or counseling were 22 million and some of these people do not think clearly (using logic).

Cognitively impaired individuals can also be parents, drivers, supervisors, laborers, bureaucrats, homebuilders, politicians, pilots, teachers and more?

This article introduces you to the problem of induced, acquired and the possibility of prescribed cognitive impairment. The numbers and statistics represent a large problem that we are all going to be dealing with, in the not so distant future. The approximate total so far is more than 100 million (raw data, and significant). I encourage you to find out more.

Can a person be prescribed cognitive impairment?

An ever increasing number of children (about 4% of “all” school aged children) are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (also ADD) and now three million adults have the label of being hyper active and deprived of attention. A large percentage of these diagnosed ADD types are being prescribed a legal carefully controlled Amphetamine drug/medication, which is also sold as a street drug. Please remember here that NIDA lists Amphetamine type drugs as being linked to cognitive dysfunction and impairment. About 50 million adults (that’s more than every adult living in Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah and Montana) are being prescribed chemicals to help them function and to manage their depression, frustration, anger, fear, anxiety and more. These medications are becoming so common that they are being found in drinking water, along with antibiotics, birth control chemicals and in some places, rocket fuels. They have become a part of our environment.
I am not aware of study results that definitively link decreased cognitive abilities to the use of prescribed drugs to manage ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression or others. Any drug or chemical does affect the body, does have the potential to change and possibly permanently change body chemistry. What happens to brain and body natural chemical biosynthesis when a drug or drug type is used for an extended period of time, possibly longer than one year? Drugs, both prescription and non-prescription would not be used if they did not have an effect and humans rarely participate in activities that they do not get something from. This is the basics of most, if not all behavior theories.
If you are not using either prescription or non-prescription drugs to help you make it through the day, improve your perception of life or to just become a functional human being, please congratulate yourself for being more in control, more self-empowered and watching out for your health! Be aware of what you are taking into your body from your environment.

Start studying alternatives, learn of them, and learn where you can get more information. Become knowledgeable. You will be pleased with the results and how your life is affected for the better.

Yes, there can be a positive ending. Mild Cognitive Impairment, mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injuries respond well to alternative therapies. Learn of alternative therapies and preventive measures. Take care of your own future and health, while you can. For prescription and non-prescription drug and chemical use/abuse: get a life, think, exercise (do something physical every day), learn, read, be creative, get a hobby, learn about nutrition, learn about alternatives, deal with your past, change your job or relationship if they don’t work for you, get involved in the actual control of your life! Suggested reading: “Healthy Healing” and “Health, Greed, Power” and “Racketeering in Medicine” – found at Amazon or Start living your life in moderation, stop using drugs and chemicals now. Alternative therapies can help you recover. Your life will improve and you will avoid being a statistic for cognitive impairment. If you do not look out for your own health, no one else will! Robert Brown The answer to all the bold typed questions, “yes!”

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Submitted by RobertBrown
Posted on Thu Sep 16, 2004 at 9:37 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME

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