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Agitprop as tactical media | 10 comments
[new] no dichotomy between armchairs and streets (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#7)
by geraldraunig on Thu Oct 16th, 2003 at 12:00:38 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

here is just one historical example that virtual resistance is more than "complementary to real demonstrations". quite parallel to seattle 99 resistance actions emerged in austria against the upcoming government with joerg haider's freedom party. in these days one could experience the intertwined contexts of the virtual and the real both on the sides of power and resistance: for the people on the streets web, radio and sms became important for announcements but also certain practices of art sabotage and media guerilla were developped. here is a link to a respective chapter of a book i wrote on the aesthetics of these resistance actions, unfortunately only in german. g.

Agitprop as tactical media | 10 comments


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