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New Media Arts Education | 8 comments
[new] New Media ed (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by TreborScholz on Tue Oct 7th, 2003 at 01:59:48 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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Hey Amy,

I think we pretty much agree.

In the US on the one hand we find undergraduate students under tremendous pressure to find a job - self-imposed, caused by peers and parents, just like you say. Then there is the university that aims at high student numbers. And in this complex interrelationship- the instructor.

I think it's important we don't fall into the 'us' versus 'them' dichotomy, students vs instructors, that's not helpful.

Vocational training is crucial as much as conceptual training, general skills. An exclusive emphasis on software programs is extremely problematic as it leaves out the history of the tools we use, the politics of these very tools and the all permeating social context.

I'm of course in full agreement that students need a secure job that helps them pay off their student loans, get health insurance and not become part of the increasing number of working poor in the US.

But given the sad state of the economy many students may not end up with a job in "the industry." What are they left with if education does not go beyond teaching
vocational skills which may be dated after 6 months? "The vocational" needs to include critical thinking skills that are outside of what ted describes as teaching of facts."

Critical independent thinking is something that will help students in this post-dotbomb age against the market odds.

_/ _/ _/
[ Parent ]

  • new media ed by ryangriffis, 10/15/2003 06:25:53 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME (none / 0)

New Media Arts Education | 8 comments


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