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Making books and meeting deadlines | 10 comments
[new] writing is research (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#6)
by saul on Thu Jul 17th, 2003 at 01:49:15 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

<a href="">Steven Connor</a> has a nice plan for meeting seemingly impossible deadlines. He doesn't believe that note taking, worrying and fingernail chewing alone constitute 'research'.

His advice is to take your word count - divide it by the number of days you have to meet the deadline, then add a week to a month of grace (depending on how high the stakes are) and write that many words every day without fail until the week before.

Then at least you have a pile of undifferentiated rubbish to work with by the week before.

In my experience this approach does seem to instill a kind of constant panic mixed with a frenetic interest that turns every conversation, every minor observation and event into a contribution to the *great work* ;)

I wonder if some of the mono-bloggers (the people who have their own personal blogs) are working in this way. There must be terrabytes of daily entries floating around in blog-space by now, waiting for editing some mammoth tome.

hmm... 45 days to go... 200 words per day... must get back to todays entry.

[ Parent ]


Making books and meeting deadlines | 10 comments


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