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Google and American Torture of Iraqi Prisoners | 3 comments
[new] Rating (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by martinpichlmair (pi_at_igw_dot_tuwien_dot_ac_dot_at) on Mon May 10th, 2004 at 04:41:01 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

i browsed some other search engines and all of them do show torture images as results (especially after turning off "offensive content filtering) - but only after cutting the proposed sentence down to "iraq torture america"... therefor i am quite sure that the lack of results in the first is technically induced.

however: googles way of rating is surely not fully public and yes it is human-biased (how else?).

i would even vote for algorithmic ethics, since literacy is again targeted only on the symptomatic side. when teaching computer scientists i see a lot of people not aware (and not trained to be so) of the effects of their doing in a public programmed space, where a strong decoupling between social implications/effects on the long run and technical actions happens.

[ Parent ]

Google and American Torture of Iraqi Prisoners | 3 comments


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