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Geeks, Commerce, Politics, and Fun with Technology | 9 comments
[new] spaces and attitudes (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by Aileen on Sun Feb 15th, 2004 at 03:47:33 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Obviously there is nothing very helpful that I can say to this, but two things did occur to me as I read it. First of all, I wonder how representative or typical slashdot might be. "Fun" is hardly the first description that comes to mind when I read slashdot. Most people who post to slashdot seem to have such dogmatic views on everything that I find it hard to imagine how an interesting discussion could be conducted on that basis.
The next thing that comes to mind is Peter H.'s description of difficulities encountered in trying to liven up a very formal festival and exhibition in Boston. Again, I don't know how typical this might be of other places in the US (like San Diego), but I think the kind of interesting exchange that you are referring to needs spaces where people can feel comfortable.
When I was in Berlin, I especially wanted to talk to some people from CCC about the blinkenlights project. Not being a highly extroverted person, when I got to the space where that was being discussed and unexpectedly found myself alone, since the friends I was meeting didn't arrive until much later, for me it was helpful to be able to hover around the edges drinking wine and smoking, observing the situation until I was ready to approach someone, then it worked. Are there comfortable spaces in the US where strangers can hover around the edges drinking and smoking - or whatever other strategies they might use - until they feel ready to talk to someone?

Geeks, Commerce, Politics, and Fun with Technology | 9 comments


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